Re-cast of the Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 2018 (EEPLIANT3) Call for Services on Market Data Research
PROSAFE is thankful to all Market Research companies who replied to our call for services for market data. However, while the first EEPLIANT3 call for services on market research gathered some interesting proposals, they were by far exceeding our available budget. Therefore, PROSAFE decided to re-cast the call for services – narrowing down our requirements, without needing to alter post-facto the conditions of the official call, which would go against the validity and the spirit of this procedure. This second Call for Services includes some modifications, mostly regarding the type of the data needed.
All companies that already submitted a reply to the initial call for services are encouraged to apply again, with updated proposals!
PROSAFE will be appointing a market research agency to support with market intelligence necessary to deliver the requirements under this Concerted Action. It is essential to gather information regarding market information, market segmentation and market trends, in order to sample relevant products and to assess the amount of energy savings lost by underperforming products.
The individual work packages (WPs) in this Concerted Action that will require market research data will address:
- WP6 New challenges and emerging issues - one product type TBC;
- WP7 Air conditioners (single/double duct and split air conditioning units);
- WP8 Tumble dryers;
- WP9 Water heaters and storage (to include fossil fuel boilers, electric boilers, heat pump boilers, solar boilers, storage tanks)
WP11 Lighting products; -
WP12 Local space heaters (domestic and commercial models).
Criteria and requirements of this Re-cast of the Call for Services can be found in the official call and the general conditions.
Quotations shall be emailed to the PROSAFE Office at and no later than 25 March 2019 17:00 o’clock CET. Quotations received after the deadline will be disregarded.
Useful documents
- Re-cast Call for Services - date 26.02.2020;
- FAQ: Questions List for the Re-cast Call for Services - date 13.03.2020 (updated version);
- PROSAFE General Conditions for Tender;
- First Call for Services - date 22.11.2019 and FAQ: Questions List for the First Call for Services - date 11.12.2019
Disclaimer: The Re-Cast of this Call for Services is part of the EEPLIANT3 project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 832558. The content of this Re-Cast represents the views of the author and it is his sole responsibility; it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME), the European Commission or any other body of the European Union, who are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.