EEPLIANT4 Work Package 13: Development of digital tools for EL/ED market surveillance
The expected results of Work Package 13 are:
- An updated MSA needs and gap analysis, with an integrated assessment of current technologies and their potential applications in ED/EL market surveillance;
- A portfolio of software applications and digital tools;
- A pilot/trial implementation of these tools and an evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency with recommendations for future development/adaptation;
- The creation of a suitable framework to support current and future uptake of available digital tools/solutions developed by MSAs not participating in WP13, or by MSAs outside the project consortium.
EEPLIANT3 Work Package 2: Development and implementation of IT tools supporting market surveillance for eco-design and labelling
The purpose of this work package is to develop and make available a suite of IT tools with the aim of transforming the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of Market Surveillance Authorities across the EU.
Various tasks in the market surveillance process for eco-design and energy labelling may be effectively supported by strategic IT tools, thereby significantly increasing the efficiency of market surveillance as a whole. Increased efficiency and productivity is particularly necessary in light of the doubling of legal requirements over the last six years without an equivalent increase in funding for enforcement.