What is EEPLIANT2?
The EEPLIANT2 Action is a project coordinated by PROSAFE and funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 framework. It started in September 2017 and lasted for 30 months.
The key objective of EEPLIANT2 is to help deliver the intended economic and environment benefits of the EU Energy Labelling and Ecodesign Directives by increasing the rates of compliance with the energy efficiency requirements. Seventeen Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) and a national agency from fifteen Member States work jointly to coordinate their monitoring, verification, and enforcement actions. In this regard, the project is expected to have a transnational impact across the EU Single Market.
Concretely, for the period going on from September 2017 to February 2020, the Consortium of EEPLIANT2 (17 MSAs, one national energy agency and PROSAFE) has designed, carried out, and evaluated coordinated market surveillance actions across three different product sectors. Indeed, the participants review and test energy performance of household refrigerating appliances, professional refrigeration products, and the energy consumption resulting from appliances on network standby. Products were sampled from the market following a risk-based approach. In case of any non-compliance found, the market surveillance authorities have taken appropriate enforcement action on their own markets.
EEPLIANT2 provided also support with the cooperation with other stakeholders (i.e industry associations, civil society, governments, etc.) in achieving higher level of awareness and higher rates of overall product compliance with the EU legislation requirements. The Consortium worked closely with other non-participating MSAs across the Europe Economic Area (EEA) through its liaison with the Energy Labelling and the Ecodesign ADCOs. Additionaly, it worked together with an Advisory Board composed of business, consumer and environmental NGOs to draw on their knowledge and experience, and to offer EEPLIANT2 a wider visibility.
This project builds upon the work of EEPLIANT2014 that had measured the energy consumption of LED lamps,imaging equipment (printers), and space heaters and combination heaters, and verified their compliance against the energy efficiency related requirements.
Find out how EEPLIANT2 made a difference in the Single Market by checking the Layman’s version of the final report available in and