EEPLIANT4 Work Package 8: Air heating and cooling products
This Work Package covers air heating and cooling products. The MSAs will undergo compliance verifications checks against the following legislation:
- Regulation (EU) 2016/2281 with regard to ecodesign requirements for air heating products, cooling products, high temperature process chillers and fan coil units.
EEPLIANT3 Work Package 7: Air Conditioners
The Work Packages carries out document inspection, screen testing and full scale testing of Air Conditioners and Comfort Fans covered by the recent eco-design and energy labelling regulations. Individual models will be selected for verification on a high risk basis, and with the aim to cover the relevant market share in individual countries and across the EU.
The specific actions could include split air conditioners, ducted air conditioners and Comfort fans.
The specific actions could include split air conditioners, ducted air conditioners and Comfort fans.