EEPLIANT4 Work Package 12: Joint Activities with Customs
The main objective of Work Package 12 is to further strengthen or obtain collaboration with customs authorities with the aim to improve market surveillance effectiveness in relation to ecodesign (ED) and energy labelling (EL) legislation.
EEPLIANT3 Work Package 3: Concerted actions to strenghten collaboration with customs authorities
Customs is the entity having insight to the amount and types of energy related products being imported from third countries into the EU. Such information could be beneficial for market surveillance officers to help set priorities.
Additionally, some imported goods arrive in the EU just once as a single consignment and are quickly distributed through sales campaigns. Experience is that such “one-off imports” are often non-compliant, as the importers are not familiar with the regulations’ demands. However, such products are:
- Hard for market surveillance inspectors to identify on the market;
- Often sold out before market surveillance evaluations can be conducted.