EEPLIANT3 WP12 - Call for Tenders for Testing Laboratories
PROSAFE is launching a Call for Tender for the EU-funded Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 2018 (EEPLIANT3) Concerted Action concerning specific product groups covered under Work Package 12 – Local Space Heaters. Further details about the contractual and procedural elements of the call are included in the Official Call.
EEPLIANT3 (Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 2018) is the largest pan-EU Concerted Action on market surveillance to date aiming to achieve impacts in line with the objectives of the Horizon 2020 - Work Programme 2018-2020 Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy. The project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 framework with duration from June 2019 until November 2023.
An important part of the EEPLIANT3 concerted action is the testing of products for compliance with the relevant energy labelling and ecodesign regulations. This requires testing of products according to the appropriate European test standards in accredited test laboratories. The products to be tested are selected, purchased, and delivered to the lab by the EEPLIANT3 participants. This call for tender covers energy efficiency testing programmes regarding local space heaters and is divided into four Lots, each covering a specific product category:
LOT 1: Electric local space heaters (Portable: all types. Fixed local space heater with a nominal heat output above 250 W. Possible types are: convector; oil filled radiator; dry electric radiator; fixed fan heater, and towel warmer)
LOT 2: Electric radiant local space heaters
LOT 3: Gas fuelled local space heaters
LOT 4: Solid fuel local space heaters (with biomass fuel only)
Bidders can submit an offer for one or more of the four Lots. Further details of the exact scope of products to be tested and tasks are provided in the enclosed appendixes, along with additional assumptions and requirements.
The tender and all correspondence relating to it shall be in English. Any questions of clarification or other queries about the tender requirements or specification must be submitted in writing to the Project Coordinator, Mrs Ioana Sandu, and AND copied to the WP12 Facilitator, Mrs Fiona Brocklehurst, with the subject header ‘URGENT: Question for EEPLIANT3 WP12 Tender’. Verbally addressed questions cannot be answered, in fairness to all bidders. Questions must be received by Friday, 21 October 2022, 17:00 CEST. Anonymised question(s) and response(s) will be circulated to bidders who registered their interest and posted on the EEPLIANT website.
Deadline for submission of tenders: Monday, 31 October 2022, 17:00 CET. Tenders must be sent to the PROSAFE Office (Avenue des Arts/Kunstlaan 41, 1040 Brussels, Belgium) and via email to Mrs Ioana Sandu and AND copied to Fiona Brocklehurst with the subject header ‘EEPLIANT3 WP12 Tender’, Hardcopies must be received at the latest by Monday, 7 November 2022 – stamp date being the proof that they were sent the working day after the official deadline.
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