EEPLIANT3 Publishable Report
The EEPLIANT3 (Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 2018) was an EU funded Concerted Action which started in June 2019 and ended in March 2024. It helped deliver the intended economic and environmental benefits of the EU ecodesign and Energy Labelling regulations by verifying the energy performance and compliance of six product categories with a high energy saving potential: air-conditioners and comfort fans, tumble dryers, water heaters and storage tanks, ventilation units, lighting sources, and local space heaters. Furthermore, a cluster of five capacity-building activities helped national market surveillance authorities (MSAs) build new skills and expertise, improve collaboration, and harmonise their working practices.
The Layman's report of EEPLIANT3 informs about the findings and results of the action and provides an insight on the most recurring issues encountered by market surveillance authorities during the inspections and tests on the different product categories.
PROSAFE is now coordinating EEPLIANT4, a new Concerted Action which builds on the lessons learnt in EEPLIANT3, and continues to support Market Surveillance Authorities' efforts in the field of energy efficiency! For more information, contact us at +32 2 757 9336, or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..