EEPLIANT3: 2nd Newsletter
After 30 months of collaborative work, how well are we delivering on our promises, and how much progress have we made to date ? In June 2019, the EU-funded EEPLIANT3 Concerted Action pledged reinforced transnational compliance controls and a series of innovations to improve the market surveillance of energy-related products placed on the Single Market. We promised a transformational change to help fulfil part of the EU’s climate commitments by 2050.
Read more on the 2nd Newsletter published in Bulgarian - SAMTS , Croatian
- DIRH , Danish
- DSTA , Dutch
- FPSH , English
, French
- DGCCRF , French
- ILNAS , Greek
- MCIT , Italian
- ENEA , Italian
- CAMCOM , German
- AEA , German
- LME - RLP , Portuguese
- ASAE , Slovenian
- MIRS , Spanish
- FFII-LCOE , Latvian
- CRPC, Lithuanian
- SCRPA , Maltese
- MCCAA , Swedish
- STEM , Turkish
The below results are based on samples of products from the markets in the participating countries. As in most market surveillance activities, the results represent the targeted efforts that authorities undertake to identify non-compliant products. They do not present a statistically valid picture of the situation of the whole market.
Tests were undertaken at accredited laboratories and focussed on those requirements that have the largest impact on energy efficiency.
Graph 1. Improving MSAs Cooperation with Customs
Preliminary Results of the Completed Document & Online Inspections - Non-Statistically Representative
Graph 2.1. Air Conditioners & Comfort Fans Non-Compliance (%)
The graph below depicts the preliminary results of document and online inspections on air-conditioners & comfort fans carried out by Work Package 7.
Graph 2.2. Tumble Dryers Non-Compliance (%)
The graph below depicts the preliniminary results of document and online inspections on tumble dryers carried out by Work Package 8.
Graph 2.3. Water Heaters & Hot Water Storage Tanks
The graph below depicts the preliminary results of document and online inspections on water heaters & hot water storage tanks carried out by Work Package 9.
Graph 2.4. Ventilation Units Non-Compliance (%)
The graph below depicts the preliminary results of document and online inspections on ventilation units carried out by Work Package 10.
This newsletter is part of the EEPLIANT3 Concerted Action that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 832558. The content of this deliverable represents the views of author and it is his sole responsibility; it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), the European Commission or any other body of the European Union, who are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.